Friday, September 5, 2008

I need to see a scary movie....

I think the last "horror" film I saw in the theatres was The Orphanage (awesome, scary flick btw) and that was all the way back in January. There have been a few horror films released (like The Ruins) but I couldn't muster any enthusiasm to go see them. They scream "Netflix." So what do I have to look forward too? The next Saw flick for Halloween (which of course I will go see. My love-hate relationship with that film franchise is rivaled only by my love-hate relationship with Twilight franchise)?

I guess There will be Blood was a horror film. I saw that one twice. By the way, the Frankenstein posters are here because I thought they were cool, and I am moving away from vampires other kinds of Monsters. Monsters or Ghosts, I just can't decide. No zombies though. I am just not ready.

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