Sunday, March 29, 2009

Watch at your own risk...

Much like the Korean film "Thirst," everyone is in a tizzy about this new French film "Martyrs." Both Fangoria and Rue Morgue ran cover stories about it. People have fainted and thrown up at screenings (always a good sign.) I don't know if I will see it. The film has been called "Torture Porn" taken to the extreme. Not a huge fan of gore, not a huge fan of torture. WARNING: The trailer is gory, and very French.

1 comment:

  1. John Waters claims that when he was a teenager, filmmakers would pump gases into the air of theatres to make people faint and vomit, so they could get this kind of publicity!

    I think I'll have to pass on this one... too much for me! I jump when the computer beeps because it's done downloading something.
