Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sometimes I wish I lived in Texas..

Why can't there be a killer bookstore in Palo Alto like this one? Wait, there is nothing killer in Palo Alto, I forgot. Check out the site for this "All Horror" store in Texas:
They were kind enough to collect all the best Horror Movie Trailers in one spot for my viewing enjoyment! Yeah!

(The store my Husband works at is pretty killer, but I am pretty sure is the only one in Paly.)


  1. Shout Out to you, oh Mistress of Protein-Addicted-Walking-Dead Beings, for horror trailer link!
    Forgot about SeVen, I did--intense
    gross flick! Others I covet: Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Event Horizon, Night of L.D., and Ginger
    Snaps--low budget masterpiece.

  2. I love movie trailers. Sometimes I love them more than the film itself. Yes, the Event Horizon trailer might be my favorite!
