"The Vault of Horror" is an Amicus film. Amicus was the other, non-Hammer studio producing horror out of England in the 70s. Amicus specialized in "portmanteau" or "omnibus" films...
Dr. Who the 2nd. He did deserve to die, and in a really nasty way..
Both films are based on EC Comics . I have been reading up on Horror comics (when I am not reading about Swedish Vampire Children,) and I have to say, I Love Them!! The bad guys always get their comeuppance, like they do in this film. 5 upper class British twits are trapped in a vault together, and they decide to pass the time by telling each other their worst dreams (as you do.) The one thing they have in common is that they all have done really nasty things. Well, except this one guy, whose only fault was being a neat-freak and an asshole who kind of looks like Anthony Hopkins. Anyway, their dreams all include their really horrible deaths. Or are they dreams? I won't spoil it. But neat-freak gets a hammer to the head, all for being an asshole.
A portmanteau is a word in which the form and meaning were derived from blending two or more distinct forms (like smog from smoke and fog). It seems to also be a large suitcase!