Saturday, September 5, 2009

Halloween purchases so far...

Yes, this is hours of awesome and fun entertainment....
Gift from friend appropriately named "Pumpkin"..... Please note headless Zombie in the background, a gift from a mindless minion...

This bottle won't last long. I am going to Sonoma County this weekend... Where are the "Zombie Cellars" anyway? That is where I want to be.

The only thing I was really looking for this Halloween.... a nice Raven. Soon to be nailed to the bust of Pallas just above my chamber door.
I know you are waiting for my insightful review of "Halloween 2." Sorry, have to keep waiting. I need a night to sleep on this one. I will let you know of my experience at the theatre however. My ring tone is the Halloween theme. I wondered if my cell phone went off during this movie anyone would notice. Then I thought "Of course not, I am the only freaking person in this theatre!" Yes, I had a private showing. It actually enhanced the experience because when I got bored during the flick, I could run around the theatre pretending that Michael Myers was chasing me.
I didn't really, but I could have.

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