Saturday, January 30, 2010

Legion: An Artistic Interpretation

Courtesy of my husband and the Old Port Lobster Shack. This is the Angel Gabriel (in lesser known lobster form) coming to bring the smack down on humankind. Legion is a dumb, fun movie probably best enjoyed while stoned.


  1. Initially, I misread this entry as, "Legend: An Artistic Interpretation" and was puzzled, deeply puzzled, and yet it worked on some level.

  2. Thanks Jen, just watched the trailer. Demon-granny on the
    ceiling! I'm on my way tonight.
    Really, not kidding--can't wait.
    Looks funnier than Dogma in a
    most campy way!

  3. This may become a regular feature. I drag my husband to crappy movies and then have him draw his artistic interpretation. With Lobsters.
