Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Lon Chaney Jr!

You handsome devil! Check out Chaney singing in the following video. Awesome! I had never heard this before....


  1. Who knew he was a heart throb, too?

  2. It was kind of freaky posting a review for the remake of The Wolfman today, on Lon Chaney Jrs birthday! Its kind of an eerie coincidense!

    One of his last performances was in that Spider Baby movie, he was the leader of one of the freakiest families on film. Spider Baby is kind of like the grandaddy of films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

  3. Zelmarific: I know, he was handsome wasn't he!
    Film Connoisseur: Spider Baby is totally on my must see list!

  4. Just saw Spider Baby for the first time last week, at a screening with Jack Hill and Barbara Washburn. Lon sang the song in the opening credits.

    It IS a must see!
