Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street-new trailer

Alright, it looks better than the Friday the 13th reboot. Worse than the Hills have Eyes remake. Much better than The Stepfather redo, not nearly as good as The Crazies re-imagining. On par with The Wolfman update, nowhere near as good as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ....I have run out of words. It looks ok, I will go see it-I love Jackie Earl Haley. I even almost watched that new show on Fox because he was in it. Almost.


  1. i am going to be having micro dreams if i go so this, wait am i having one right now... are you wearing a santa outfit holding a twinkie while sing i'm a little teapot...

    i am dreaming....

    i was so burned with f13th and h2, i just want it to end...

  2. A good trailer, I am very interested in hearing more about this...

  3. It reminds me of the movie with Nicole Kidman where she couldn't fall asleep or she would get the zombie virus.

  4. iZombie: I wonder if i can blame micro dreams for my poor performance at work? I tried to erase H2 out of my memory. This looks alot better than H2.

    Cellar Door: The invasion?

  5. @jen...

    it does look better, but previews are so darn tricky. h2 looked great in the trailers as did f13th...

    freddy could have been played by englund again... it worked for the idea of the new nightmare.

    we will see!
