Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another crap sequel: Cabin Fever 2

I am being kind of harsh.  Cabin Fever2: Spring Fever wasn't that bad.  Well, it was bad enough that Ti West wanted his name taken off the flick and replaced with Alan Smithee, which is understandable, but it has its charms. 

OK, it has it's charms is you love gross-out gore.  Which I don't.  I love gore, don't get me wrong, but I am not really into seeing blood and pus coming out of penises or strippers with infected boobs (sentences like this gets pornographers posting porno links in my comment sections.)  What I did like about this film was the homages to Prom Night and Noah Segan, who I think is super cool and should be in more films.  I mean, did you see him in Deadgirl?  He is awesome!

This film picks up right where the last one left off.  Rider Strong's character (too lazy to look up the name) crawls out of the creek and is immediately hit by a bus.  For this he gets top billing.  Some company has bottled this nasty creek water and sold it to the local high school, which happens to be having it's prom that very night.  Cut to the chase: everyone drinks the nasty water and it soon becomes the prom from hell. 

Now because "Glee" in on in about 10 minutes I will wrap this up quick.  Everyone dies.  The end.  Confession:  I hated the original Cabin Fever.  I thought it was horrible.  I love Hostel I & II.  So for a time I loved Eli Roth.  Now I don't because he is dating Peaches Geldof and that is just weird.  Anyway, I actually liked Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever better than the original which is not saying much because I hate the original.  The pacing in this movie is way off, and although you see some of West's touches (see: House of the Devil)  the film as a whole is just a weird mess.  Some nice gore and Noah Segan is all it has going for it.  If that floats your boat....  Now, off to watch show tunes.


  1. arggghhh, such a downer... thanks for the solid review...

  2. I saw the previews for this one and it made it look like stupid fun, the kind of movie I watch on a Saturday morning to amuse myself.

  3. Great review! - I'm enjoying your blog...keep up the good work. You might find something of value in my own scribblings on The Celluloid Highway


    Hope to see you there!

  4. I actually hated 1 and 2. Noah Segan was the one bright spot in an otherwise terrible film. I'm not a huge Ti West fan anyway so I wasn't expecting too much out of this one. Just so happens, this time I was right.

  5. Thank you Shaun- I will check it out!
