I just can't resist a horror film priced at $3.00. Especially a horror film that is a remake of one of my favorite slumber party films from the eighties. The original April Fool's Day came out in 1986, and I must have seen it 30 times at various slumber parties of my youth. It holds a special place in my heart. Yes, it's a crap film, but it was my special crap film. If I watched it today I am sure I would mourn my misspent youth. I already do that enough so I am not going to watch it. Instead, I watched this straight to DVD "film" (term used loosely)
I was sort of interested in seeing this because Jennifer Siebel, Gavin Newsom's wife, is also in it. She made the right career choice by becoming the Mayor's wife. The acting is pretty awful and the characters are totally unlikable (I at least like having someone to root for. No luck here.) There is no blood and no boobs. Not that you need either one of those things for a horror film, but if you are attempting a souless cash grab such as this, those things help. There was exactly one thing I liked about this film. The main character, Desiree, wears these stilletto heel boots throughout most of the film, except in the scene where she is trying to outrun the killer in the parking garage. The filmmakers actually put her in black tennis shoes with knee-high black socks so that she could run easier, and assumed the audience wouldn't notice. You can see her shoe laces!! Did she change before the chase? It's great. It was almost worth the 3 bucks I paid for this film. Now, off to watch Glee. Enjoy this trailer for the original film.
All those ridiculous names (Torrance? what were her parents/the filmmakers thinking?) would just make me root harder for the characters to die!