Thursday, September 16, 2010

Loves: Werner Herzog

One of my few "non-horror" obsessions is Werner Herzog (although he is a little creepy.)  IFC films just bought the North American distribution rights to Herzog's newest documentary, Caves of Forgotten Dreams.  The film is about the Chauvet-pont-d'Arc caves in Southern France.  And it is filmed in 3D!  Take that Piranha!  Below enjoy Herzog talking about what he found in the caves...

I loves me some Werner Herzog.


  1. Werner Herzog is awesome!!! I can't wait to see this.

  2. This isn't about this post but- I just saw "Carriers" because you liked it so much- wow! It was really good. I cried a lot. (Unusual for me.) It is like "The Road" shoud've been.

  3. I am glad you liked "Carriers." I was suprised at how good the movie was. Worth a second look.
