- I have had the Black Plague. I still am in the coughing up a lung phase.
- Work has been particularly horrendous. I mean, they expect me to actually work hard ALL DAY and do reports and be innovative and all that shit. It is like Dilbert without all the humor.
- I do not have a computer. Seriously, mine is broken. I am using my husband's and I can't figure it out (its a Mac) and I can't figure out posting from my phone. And seriously, I am not going to f-ing post from my phone. It would take me 5 hours to write a post. I have man hands.
- Any free time is spent trying to get my house back in order. It looks like "Grey Gardens" pre-Jackie intervention. Seriously.
It was OK. I loved Rec, and I seriously enjoyed Quarantine. What was most interesting to me was the subtle differences between the two. Whereas the Spanish Rec hints at a supernatural or spiritual basis for the outbreak, Quarantine is straight up "Science is going to kill us all." I have not seen the sequel for Quarantine but it seems a little to Snakes on a Plane for my liking so I am going to skip it. Rec 2 takes place literally minutes after the first one ends. A SWAT team is sent into the apartment building with a mysterious Doctor to scope out the situation. The situation is, of course, nutso.
Rec 2 plays almost like a haunted house attraction at a State Fair. The scares are cheap and plentiful, but you feel kind of empty inside after it is all over. The supernatural element is interesting, but almost seems like a cheap out. I was reminded of the Paranormal Activity films. What should be a good old haunted house film turns into the complicated demon saga. Same with Rec. The Demons have ruined what could have been a good Zombie film. Hey, I am not anti-Demon. I love those little fuckers. Just don't pretend to be one thing and then throw in the Demon curve ball! I am also talking to you Insidious! We can't all be The Exorcist, all right?
I missed you too, Mistress ZAM. But, hey, no pressure, just write when the horror Muse sends congealed creative juices ejaculating from your mind like wet furballs from Yao's throat.