Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Vampire's Day Soiree!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!  Today we celebrate the Vampire's Day Soiree!!  Check out lots of awesome posts at...

I had something really awesome planned, and then life got it the way, as it often does!  But please, enjoy my Valentine's to some of my favorite Vampires (no sparkling ones, I promise)....

This Valentine's goes to the original and still the best...

You are one of the scarier vamps but you still hold a place in my heart....

This Valentines goes to the hottest Dracula (sorry Mr. Oldman)....

But you are pretty awesome too.....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....

You are the craziest, but I may love you most of all......

Honorable Valentine's go to these two guys.  They are both good eggs...


  1. Love it. So cleaver! I'm glad sad/scary little Nosferatu got one too. :)

  2. Here from the Vampire Soiree. Have a creepy day :)

  3. I feel like Gerard Butler should definitely be considered for his depiction of Dracula in Dracula 2000...but I do love your candidates too. (I'm an Oldman fan). Great post, and happy Vampire day!

  4. Nice selection of Valentine Vamps! Happy Valentine's/Vampire's Day!!
