Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Releases

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Things I found on the Interweb

Rudy Ray Moore was an actor, producer, and comedian best known for his character "Dolemite." I would have posted a "Dolemite" trailer but it is in even worse taste than this album cover. I just couldn't do it. Easily found on YouTube. Just be prepared to take a shower after.
New Improved Coraline Trailer
This gives a better taste of the "creepiness" of the film. I am so excited to see this! I saw the "3D" trailer when I went to see "My Bloody Valentine." By the way, that stupid movie gave me major nightmares! Non-zombie related ones! In one nightmare, Leatherface was chasing me around my lake house and killed my Grandmother with his telekinetic powers. That's crazy! Everyone knows Leatherface doesn't have telekinetic powers.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Long Live Stains..
Not only is "Stains" an awesome name for a dog, Stains IS A truly awesome dog. This clip had Jonathan and I laughing our asses off. Yao just felt sorry for Stains. After all, who can resist cupcakes?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I Heart 3-D

Every horror film should be in 3D! Its awesome! Finally a half-way decent horror flick. "My Bloody Valentine" is yet another remake (I am ashamed to admit I have never seen the original. I know, my bad. But it is a Canadian film and despite what my Netfix "Movies for you" feature thinks, I don't love Canadian films. Seriously, it had this whole list of Canadian films it thought I might like. When the fuck did I rent a Canadian film? I must of rented a couple for Netflix to think I was some "Canadaphile" or whatever you call people obsessed with Canada.) Anyway, on its own "My Bloody Valentine" would be a slightly above average slasher flick. But add 3D and it becomes the coolest thing I have seen so far this year! Shit! It is the ONLY thing I have seen this year. I was in love at first kill, when the "Miner" delivers a pick-ax to the back of some teenagers head and the poor sucker's eyeball comes flying out of the screen. Another thing I like about this movie is that the killer sticks with the same weapon the entire film (with the exception of a shovel shoved in the middle of a girl's face, but the killer was improvising because he couldn't find his pick-ax.) He finds "inventive" ways to use his weapon of choice, and you really have to appreciate that. I can't believe I just wrote that.
Another day, another crappy movie..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We didn't watch too much of the Ball stuff (I know, I crack up every time I say or read it.) We did see the first dance. It was beautiful and Beyonce didn't even annoy me that much. Of course, she can't hold a candle to the original.
Crappy Movies

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday!

By the way, Happy Inauguration Day everyone! Of course I have to work, but it will be an Obama-rama at my house tonight!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Give me my 2 hours back!!

Friday, January 16, 2009
They are coming!!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Recent Horror Movies..

By the way, the Plague has taken over and I am going back to bed. I fully expect to cough up a lung any minute now. The trick will be stuffing it back in before my cat gets to it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sometimes fear is the appropriate response..
Welcome to the post-apocalyptic future. What has Wall-E wrought? Seriously, this looks really exciting, scary, and depressing. What more could you want from an animated flick? Love Tim Burton, love the crazy Russian that did "Wanted," and I love me some post-apocalyptic fiction. Between this film and "The Road," which is finally coming out, 2009 is shaping up to be the year the world ended (on screen anyway.) Of course the world is really going to end in 2012, but there is no harm in being prepared. Speaking of 2012, there is a film called "2012" opening this year, but it looks like a piece of Michael Bay shit. I'm sure it has a happy ending, which I can guarantee the other films (especially "The Road") do not.
Speaking of happy endings, did anyone see Mickey Rourke win the Golden Globe for best actor last night? It was amazing! He used the word "balls" twice in his speech and called the Director's mother a "Bitch!" I love you Mickey Rourke!
This is how you do a Remake..
There really is nothing new under the sun. But this looks movie ticket worthy. I love the use of "Sweet Child of Mine" and the promise of death by microwave. The fact that Wes Craven is directly involved in it helps. It just doesn't look as "dirty" as the original. And I like my horror films dirty, dammit.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Things are about to get freaky!!!

In other news, I may have the plague again. I am fighting it, but considering I take medication that suppresses my immune system, I may not have a ghost of a chance. So expect more fascinating and riveting blog posts! I am sick suckers!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Good Morning Ricky!
We watched a documentary on Cuban music last night. They didn't show any Desi Arnaz, but he was mentioned. So I thought I would wake up with a little Babba-lou or whatever the hell it is. I have fond memories of "I Love Lucy" and when I was a little girl I thought I would hang out at places like the "Tropicana" watching conga players and dancing the mambo. I thought that is what adults did! Actually, I have spent some time watching conga players! I just don't have the mambo part down yet.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Spooky stories for cold winter evenings..

By the way, I didn't make any resolutions. Honestly I didn't even think about it until last night at around 10pm. And by then it was too late. I had already broken any that I might have made. Better luck next year!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Thank you Chuck!

Thank you Chuck for kicking off 2009! Can't wait to see you on Inside the NBA next Thursday! Happy New Year!
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