Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Uninvited

Everything old is new again..
Tell me this doesn't look like a trailer for a zombie film? Especially the second commercial.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sometimes I wish I lived in Texas..
They were kind enough to collect all the best Horror Movie Trailers in one spot for my viewing enjoyment! Yeah!
(The store my Husband works at is pretty killer, but I am pretty sure is the only one in Paly.)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
House of the Devil
The devil is big right now man! He is like last years vampire or 2007's zombie. EVERYWHERE!!! This film is from some wunderkind that I am not familiar with. It has Tom Noonan and Dee Wallace. What more do you need to know! (The Wunderkind's name is Ti West and I guess I should rent "Roost." I think that was his breakout film.)
When the gates of Hell are opened..
You get freaky shit like this! This is hitting the festival circut right now, so I don't know when it is getting released. "Seventh Moon" looks better than some of the other previews I have seen, especially "H2," which I hate more everytime I see it. I am such a cranky old fart.
Monday, April 27, 2009
This looks pretty nice. I have no idea when it is being released. It is hitting all of the festivals right now. Sam Rockwell is one of my favorite actors. The voice is Kevin Spacey, not John Malkovich.
Its coming..

Or maybe not. Check out this review: http://criticalmassreviews.blogspot.com/2008/10/martyrs-2008-pascal-laugier_27.html
What does he mean that once you have watched it, you can't un-watch it?
Reanimated indeed..
This looks very cool. Word is that is will be released on DVD in December. Can't wait. I can already tell that the puppet part will be my favorite. http://www.notldr.com/
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It wasn't so bad..

Saturday, April 25, 2009
New to the Zombie Collection

My friends Tanya and Harold bought me these awesome Zombie gifts recently and I wanted to share them and thank them. (share the toys, not Tanya and Harold.) I use my "I Love Zombies" bag that Shoshanah made for me all the time, and no one says anything about it. Do they look at me and go "of course she loves Zombies, no comment needed."? Or does it freak them out? This is Palo Alto after all.
A Brian De Palma Film. Really.
I watched this last night!!!! Thanks to Beer and Burritos for orignally posting this trailer. It is as good as it looks, really it is. I told my husband he would love it but he didn't believe me.
I love Rob Zombie but I do not like his films. Yet. Like others, I agree that there is a great horror film perculating inside of Rob Zombie, but he has yet to let it pour out. What? Is it early and I have had only one coffee? I did not like Zombie's "Halloween" reboot, but I appreciate the balls he had to do it in the first place. "H2," as it is called, just looks silly. I like the first few seconds of the trailer, in the hospital, which is a nice homage to the first "Halloween 2," which is a pretty good film all told, but the rest of the trailer looks like a weird, supernatural, freudian mess. But if it is between this and "Saw 5" (or is it 6?), I will take this.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Robbie C.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Once and Future King..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nazi Zombies
The first time I watched this trailer it was without the subtitles and I thought it was better! Do you really need to understand the dialogue in a film like this? It has NAZI ZOMBIES in it! And it is an arthouse film. What could be better!
New Horror from Lars Von Trier
Lars von Trier's Antichrist - Official Trailer from Zentropa on Vimeo.
I am not a fan of Lars Von Trier or the "Dogme" movement, but I am a fan of horror and William DaFoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg so I will be seeing "Antichrist" when it finally comes out. Lars Von Trier started out making horror films, and this his return to the genre. This trailer features William Dafoe's naked butt at the end of it, so you might want to watch with caution.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Brave Jen Jen
Drunk Commentary: Cannibal the Musical!
OK, I may have to rent "Cannibal: The Musical" again because the drunk commentary actually looks funnier than the film. By the way, I was very brave and put "Martyrs" on my Netflix que.
Lets build a snowman..
I have a very informative and thrilling post about the film "Excalibur" coming up, but I am too tired to do it tonight! You just have to wait till tommorow God damn it!! In the meantime, here is a funny scene from "Cannibal: The Musical." This scene is really alot more funny taken in context, so I recommend that you rent or buy "Cannibal: The Musical" to experience true enjoyment. PS: I don't know what is up with the subtitles.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Top ten

#1 Atticus Finch. Best Movie Father Ever. A shining example of decency, dignity, and compassion. I watch this movie about once a year and cry every time.
#2 Peter (Ken Foree) Dawn of the Dead. I love him because he is a bad-ass, he cooked a nice dinner for the couple and then got the hell out, and at the last minute decided that he would rather fight than die. I would have been heartbroken had he died.
#3 Quint (Robert Shaw) Jaws. I was heartbroken when he died. Plus, his speech about the Indianapolis still gives me chills.
#4 Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr) The Wolf Man. Poor bastard. Essentially a good man, you really feel his pain as he becomes a monster.
#5 Henry Frankenstein ( Colin Clive) Frankenstein. I have a weird thing for Colin Clive. Nuff said.
#6 Elizabeth (Madeline Kahn) Young Frankenstein. She is the bitch that you know Elizabeth really is. I love Madeline Kahn.
#7 Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) This is Spinal Tap. Not only does he go to Eleven, you actually feel sorry for the poor guy when his best friend dumps him for a girl.
#8 Captain Renault (Claude Rains) Casablanca. Every character in this film is fantastic, but there is something about his rouge with a heart of gold...
#9 Ana (Ana Torrent) Spirit of the Beehive. My favorite film about childhood, this actress was amazing, even at 5 years old.
#10 Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) No Country for Old Men. If only for the dream he tells his wife about at the end.
I spent a whole hour thinking about this list. I am sure I will wake up a 3am tonight thinking "How could I forget....?" It beats waking up and thinking about Robinson Crusoe. I have about 150 pages left. I am going to try to power it out this week.
Back to the Internets..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Back from Monterey
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Breakfast Suprise!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Where wolf?

Two things about this film. After watching it I was officially in love with Lon Chaney Jr (real name: Creighton Chaney.) He plays a poor sap like no one's business. And he is so damn likable. You can't help but feel for the big lumbering ox. The other thing about this film is that Bela Lugosi is a TERRIBLE Frankenstein! Thank god he turned down the original film! Of course, he was 60 when he filmed this. Most of the shots were achieved using stunt doubles. All he does is lumber around and growl like a WOLF!! Some think Lugosi's interpretation is brilliant. I have to say NO!
By the way, Chaney is the only actor to portray all of Universal's Big Four Monsters!

I have nothing to say about this except that it is awesome! Check out their official site: http://beeftone.com/zombeatles.html
I Heart Ron Perlman
Friday, April 3, 2009
How He sees the world..
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Rodin and stuff..
Sorry this post wasn't very scary but I did slip Zombies in there!!!