I meant to do this post ages ago before my life went crazy. It is now almost 2pm, I am still in my jammies, and I haven't eaten breakfast. Those of you who know me know that I NEVER skip breakfast. I just don't have anything to eat in the house and I am to lazy to get dressed. If I could train the Orange Menace to go shopping I would, but I am also too lazy to do that. So anyway, here is my top ten horror films of all time that I worked very hard on for 1/2 an hour two weeks ago. It is in response to every other horror blogger doing a top ten in recent weeks. Of course I don't consider myself a horror blogger, but some of you may know that I sorta like the genre...
- The Exorcist 1973: Downright the scariest movie EVER made. Don't believe me? Just try to watch it alone.
- Halloween 1978: Not the original slasher film (that would be Psycho) but in my opinion, the best. The scene where Laurie thinks she is safe, but Myers is getting up behind her, is pure terror.
- Frankenstein 1931 (James Whale): Ok, its one of my favorite movies, and holds a soft spot in my heart. And it really does have some scary scenes in it. Plus, Karloff kicks ass.
- Night of the Living Dead 1968: Probably the one film on this list that had the greatest impact on me. I can't remember when I first saw it (I was probably 5, my parents had no filter) but it continues to effect me to this day: whenever I am stressed out I have Zombie dreams.
- The Thing 1982 (Carpenter): Heavily influenced by Lovecraft, I get heart palpitations every time I see this film. My love/hate opinion of Kurt Russell definitely goes towards love on this one.
- Dawn of the Dead 1978: I always think of this film as more fun than scary, but after recently re-watching it, I got a few shivers. The Zombie getting his head cut off by the helicopter blades is still the best
- Alien 1979: This is not sci-fi. This is straight out horror.
- The Blair Witch Project 1999: This film has alot of haters, but for my money the last 5 minutes are some of the scariest ever put on film. When she turns the corner and sees her colleague standing in the corner: scary as hell.
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974: A few scares, but more important is how relentless it is. There is just no relief in this film, even at the end.
- Dracula 1931: A sentimental choice. Not really that scary, but still the best Vampire film ever made.
I had to whittle this down from a list of about 25. A few runners-up: Bride of Frankenstein, Jaws, The Descent, The Mist (2007), The Devil's Backbone, The Ring (it kept me up all night), Nightmare on Elm Street ( a week of sleeping with the lights on), Poltergeist, and Picnic at Hanging Rock (not really a horror film, but it freaked me out good.)