Monday, June 29, 2009
John Cusack is in this?
Let the apocalypse begin! Although it is not happening until 2012, filmmakers are gearing up for it in 2009. This film is the first of many apocalyptic offerings coming down the pipeline. "2012" is another "destroy things" epic by the same guys that brought you "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Independence Day." I love the Apocalypse as much as the next person, but I am already rolling my eyes at the John Cusack storyline. I bet he is estranged from his wife. I bet his kids are mad at him. I bet he is going to bring the family back together and save the day. Or maybe they will all die and in that case I will be shouting "I Love This Movie!!!"
Random Musings on a Monday
Starring in my Nightmares Tonight: Pabst: The world's ugliest dog 2009.
I had a very exciting weekend and did lots of fun things. I went to a birthday party and scored a nice skull ring, I went to the Opera, I saw the Gay Pride Parade, I had lots of good food to eat. The one thing I did not do was go see "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." Apparently I was the only one that didn't see it. What the hell is happening? If crap like this can make 400 million dollars, it just means we are going to be subjected to more crap. God help us all. I don't need to see the film. I got all I needed from this review: Now I have to get going. This is my last free day for a while and I have to watch "Hellraiser 2: Hellbound."
Friday, June 26, 2009
I know I should have posted "Thriller," but this is actually one of my favorite MJ songs. And it is from a horror movie. I am with the Mindless Minion, no one should be shocked here. Sucks about Farrah too.
I did love the Jeff Goldblum rumors though. How random.
More damn Vampires. Come on Zombies-lets get with it! This doesn't look to bad. And it has William DaFoe (cool). And Ethan Hawke (uncool). Thanks to Dwido for finding this for me.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Why I am not the final girl
I mean really- at some point wouldn't you just give up and say "OK, kill me because I am tired of you jumping out at me and shit. Really." This preview looks better than the first. But I also thought the "Terminator: Salvation" trailer was awesome so there you go.
True Blood episode 2

Vacation Pics Part One
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Cat and the Canary 1927

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Back from Vacation
We just got back from vacation last night (a day early because my back gave out. You turn 35 and everything starts to fall apart.) We had a great time, despite back trauma, and I will soon post pictures of Pandas and Mickey and Turtles and whatnot. In the meantime enjoy this trailer for "Zombieland." Entertainment Weekley declared that Zombies are the next big thing. No shit. Enough with these vampires. Speaking of Vampires, the True Blood premiere was very good. It looks like they are going to get into even more freaky stuff this year. More Eric!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Shutter Island
I have been waiting to catch a glimpse of this since I first heard of the project. The trailer does not disapoint. I love me some freaky medical facilities. The first clue that things are not right here is that Ben Kingsley runs the place. If I saw him I would get the hell out. Also check out my favorite old guy: Max von Sydow! Still creepy after all these years.
Zombie Mayhem coming our way..

Bird or Beast...
I love this bird. I especially love the guy who flips off the bird. If I wasn't going to Southern California I would go see this in person.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm so excited! So Excited! Yes! Too excited to sleep!!! Plus, if I sleep I will have Phil Spector nightmares!
Birthday Party
Saturday, June 6, 2009
True Blood: Coming Soon
My husband loves me SO MUCH he ordered HBO so I could watch Season 2 of "True Blood" which starts June 14th. Now, I am not hysterical over this show, but it is fun and bloody. And yes, I have read the books (thanks Mom.)
Vacation Planning/Alterna Blogs..

We are going to Disneyland and the Museum of Death. If we could go to Legoland and the Sharon Tate house that would make the vacation perfect!!
I am thinking about starting another, non-horror related blog. Not because I think the world needs another blog written by me, but because I feel that pictures of my cat and parents really ruin the Chi of this blog. I don't even know what that means. So I need ideas on what to name my other, non-horror cat and party picture blog. Please leave any suggestions in the comments to this post. Even though it is non-horror I prefer a horrific name. That is just the way I am.
Thank you and I will send you all a postcard from the Museum of Death!!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Final Destination
This trailer also makes me feel better. I am no huge fan of the "Final Destination" series, although I do tend to get heart palpitations while watching the films. Must be because the death scenes are so drawn out and completely preposterous. But that is the fun of these films. If I am going to pay money to watch pretty teenagers get killed, then I want the death scenes to be interesting dammit. The scene in the second "Final Destination" film where the guy gets killed by his kitchen is my favorite. I feel that way every time I go into the kitchen. This is why my husband does the cooking.
If I wasn't so sure I was going to killed by Zombies this would be my guess on how I am going to go.