Saturday, October 31, 2009
Its Here!! Happy Halloween!!

P.S: Check out the awesomeness that is "Kindertrauma" featuring Yao (the Orange Menace) as a participant in the 2nd Annual Halloween Parade!! Father and I are so proud.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Witchy Halloween Purchase...
One day closer to Halloween!!!
Just a reminder: today is the Boris Karloff-a-thon on TCM. I know Ted Turner is the Devil but he has a nifty little channel and there are no commercials (unlike AMC, whose programmers seem to think that "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" qualifies as a horror film.) My DVR is loaded up with horror films, including ANOTHER Coffin Joe flick (thank you IFC.) These are great to watch when the second half of a Warriors game starts and my heart is broken and I am sick of screaming. My Halloween plan for tonight is to watch "Trick r Treat" (which I purchased without watching: hundreds of horror bloggers can't be wrong.)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Poe Stamps!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Good Advice...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Something that doesn't totally suck from Rob Zombie.....

I loved all the horror film references in this film. It reminded me that when Zombie is not making horrible films he is actually a pretty cool horror aficionado. I also loved the profanity. Call me weird but I love it when cartoon characters swear.
I got a fucking rock too chuck.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Penalty (1920)

Blizzard's plan, before the revolution happens, is to have the Doc "graft" new legs onto him. The legs will come from Barbara's jerky boyfriend (he deserves to lose them.) The Doc agrees, but instead of doing as Blizzard asks, he pulls the old leg graft/brain surgery switcharoo. See, Blizzard wasn't really evil. He had a brain contusion thanks to the accident that took his legs. The Doc fixes him all up and it is EVIL BE GONE!! Blizzard marries the agent Rose, who has fallen for him, and Barbara marries her jerky boyfriend. The End. Or so I thought. The movie continues so we are given the typical depressing Lon Chaney ending. Nothing ever works out for this guy!
The reason to see this flick is Chaney. Watch the special features and you will see how he played a double amputee with no camera tricks. Then try to walk around on your knees. Make sure there is someone home with you to pick you up off the floor.
The reason to see this flick is Chaney. Watch the special features and you will see how he played a double amputee with no camera tricks. Then try to walk around on your knees. Make sure there is someone home with you to pick you up off the floor.
One more cool thing about this flick: the musical accompaniment is really awesome. It as if Nine Inch Nails scored the thing. Very industrial but it works.

As it is, even though the monsters are cool and its a rare chance to see David Cronenberg act, I can't recommend Nightbreed. The film is too disjointed and rather boring. But, as I said, the story is great- there is a really good film lurking around there somewhere. Let's see it!
Coffin Joe returns!!!

Back to the film: Laura dies and takes his perfect child with her. The villagers grow some balls and decide to go after Coffin Joe. Joe kills some guy with his feet (its awesome!) makes everyone listen to his crazy ramblings, denounces God numerous times, and then is finally murdered by skeletons. Really, this is what happens. All in all, this film might be one of the greatest films of all time (if you are drunk or stoned.) If you can find it- watch it!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Ace of Hearts (1921)

Farallone, who still loves Lilith, begins to feel his loyalties torn when she comes begging him to save her husband's life. Farallone sees a way to get rid of his rival and have Lilith. Does he take the opportunity? Or does he save Mr. Forrest by sacrificing his own life? I won't tell you but COME ON! It's a Lon Chaney movie! How do you think it will end?!!
This is the first film that I can remember seeing where Chaney does not wear makeup or distort his body in any kind of way. He is still amazing- although he does over-act in some scenes. You get used to watching this sort of thing the more silents you see. Although this is a thriller/melodrama, there is a little gore at the end which is always a nice touch. Interesting fact: the actor who plays Mr. Forrest, John Bowers, did not make the transition into talkies very well. In fact, it killed his career. He ended up committing suicide by throwing himself into a lake. The original A Star is Born is based on his life. You are now ready for "Trivial Pursuit: Silent Film Edition."
Lon Chaney Speaks!
This clip is from The Unholy Three, Chaney's only talkie. It was a remake of the 1925 original directed by Tod Browning. I haven't been able to track down either version but rumor has it the 1930 film plays on TCM once in a blue moon. Speaking of TCM, they are having a Boris Karloff festival on 10/30. Got to get the DVR ready.........
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
More thoughts on Paranormal Activity......

OK- I am not crazy about this film but I did like it. I wanted to love it and be really scared. Good news: it is scary. The last 5 minutes literally gave me chills and who knew ending credits could freak you out. But it is a long build-up to the scary stuff. We really get to know this couple, Micah and Katie, and their really boring decorating tastes. Something funky is happening to them while they sleep, and Micah decides to set up cameras all around to capture some "Paranormal Activity." Turns out Katie is being haunted by something, and it might not be a ghostie. She has been haunted by this thing since she was 8 and she neglected to tell Micah about this. Understandably he is pissed, but being a kind of jerky guy, he doesn't really take it seriously. When shit starts to get real (what movie is that from? I love that phrase!) Micah tries to get rid of the "entity" himself, even bringing in a Ouija Board. Any 13 year girl will tell you that Ouija's are bad mojo.
I guess the thing that kind of bothered me about this film is I didn't believe in the couple. And it is not just because I don't like what they did with their house. They appear to be rich- even though he is a Day Trader and she is a student. He must be good at his job but the problem is: He never works! Neither of them work or leave the house! Small complaint. Didn't sour me on the film and like I said: the ending is scary! But the real test is: Was I scared going to bed that night? See, this film plays on a very primal fear: how vulnerable we are when we sleep. So, after reading a little Clive Barker (to get me in the mood) I turned off the lights and kicked the cat off my lap and waited for the scary to come. It came a little. I thought about the film a little but it didn't prevent me from falling asleep (the last films to do that were The Ring and Blair Witch.) And no nightmares! Not even Zombie ones.
So I don't love this film but I recommend it for the last 5 minutes unless you are a Blair Witch hater. Then don't bother. I think Saw 6 is coming out soon. Go see that.
The She-Beast: not starring Lon Chaney

I really enjoyed this film, even through the print I had was so bad it was, at times, unwatchable. I really loved the two leads, Ian Ogilvy and Barbara Steele. I get why people are obsessed with Steele, she is really beautiful in an odd, Angelina Jolie kind of way. The film itself is not "scary" in anyway (most of this stuff isn't) but it has a good story and stays on track (except the weird car chase business- the humor that is sprinkled throughout the film doesn't really work so well. Is the Innkeeper supposed to be a funny pervy kind of guy or a scary rapist? He is both! Yeah, I am confused.)
Now, back to regularly scheduled programming......or maybe a few more thoughts on Paranormal Activity. Talk about having trouble staying on track....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Halloween treat
I was looking for a video of the Poe funeral that took place yesterday in Baltimore, but I found this instead and it made me so happy I just had to post it!! Don't you want to know how it ends?
The Halloween Tree

Yes, dammit, you learn stuff reading this book! But don't let that scare you off! The story, which is really about friendship and the sacrifices you are willing to make for those you love, is really wonderful. And the visuals that Bradbury paints are extraordinary. I can see why families would make this required reading every Halloween (along, with may I suggest and I will, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book.) Rumor has it that there is an animated film floating around out there narrated by Bradbury himself!! I must find it. I can't find it playing on TV any time this month. You know what else I can't find playing on TV? The Charlie Brown Pumpkin business. I am starting to freak out that I missed it- and now I have to go buy it!! I am almost out of Halloween money!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

OK, long story short (I am not a fan of recounting entire films-watch it!!,) Esmeralda gets set up for attempted murder and is sentenced to die. Quasimodo rescues her and takes her to Notre Dame. The members of the Paris Underworld, led by Esmeralda's creepy foster father Clopin, attempt to storm the Cathedral. This leads to the showdown between Quasimodo and the world that shunned him.
I hope I am not giving anything away by telling you that Quasimodo dies at the end. This is a Lon Chaney movie after all- he dies in almost all of them! The part that gets me about this film, that brings on the waterworks, is when Quasimodo rings his own death bell. The only witnesses to his death are Dom Claude and a Parisian Poet- Esmeralda by this time has left with her lover Phoebus.
This role, along with The Phantom, is really classic Chaney. The Monster with the heart- the idea that both good and evil can exist in the same soul. It would have been really cool to see what he would have done with Frankenstein's Monster.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Get to know Lon Chaney...

Anyway, The Unknown co-stars Joan Crawford. Both Crawford and Chaney play circus performers. Chaney, as usual, has a dark secret and an unrequited love for Crawford (falling in love with Joan Crawford is almost always a bad idea.) He goes to extreme (and I mean EXTREME) measures to win her heart, only to get his trampled on. Cue crazy behaviour. It is a great flick.

Interesting Facts about Lon Chaney..
Born on April 1st, 1883 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Both parents were Deaf-mute.
His first wife, Cleva Creighton (Jr's Mother) attempted
suicide by swallowing a vile of poison. This destroyed
her singing career and led to the end of the marriage.
Chaney directed 6 films and wrote 2 screenplays
Between 1913-1930 he made over 150 films. Many are now lost.
First and only talking film was a remake of The Unholy Three. This was
also his last film.
He died of a throat hemorrhage in 1930. His grave is unmarked.
I hope you enjoyed today's "Get to know Lon Chaney." Tune in tomorrow for more Chaney madness.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Phantom of the Opera (1925) or: She's not having it.

All goes according to plan and soon Erik plans to take Christine as his wife. Well he would, if it wasn't for that pesky Raoul, an Officer who already owns Christine's heart. Erik kidnaps Christine and makes her promise never to see Raoul again. She promises, to save her life, and promptly arranges to met Raoul at the Masked Ball.........
Erik also attends the Ball, dressed as the Red Death. Heartbroken over Christine's deception, Erik, now truly the Phantom, plots his revenge..
This film is really incredible. The set design of the Paris Opera House is spooky and majestic, the proper setting for this tragic tale. Chaney--well Chaney is amazing. His Phantom is both sympathetic and terrifying. His reaction, upon seeing Christine with Raoul at the Ball, is heartbreaking--and done completely through body language. The scene where Christine unmasks Erik, giving her and us our first glimpse of his deformed face still chills. Chaney, who did his own makeup, achieved the horrifying look by pinning his nose back with a wire. Can you imagine how painful that must have been? Try that Eddie Murphy. You don't have the guts...
Chaney made Phantom after Hunchback, so he was already a well established actor. Phantom solidified his reputation as the "Man of a Thousand Faces" and convinced Universal that Horror was where it's at. We have so much to thank him for!!
Next is Hunchback, which I should have watched first, but I was really in the mood for a musical. HeHe.
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